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Electrically conductive coating of 5 nm Chromium and 25 nm Platinum on both sides of the cantilever. This coating also enhances the laser reflectivity of the cantilever.
Versatile monolithic silicon AFM probe with 4 different platinum coated AFM cantilevers on a single AFM holder chip for various applications: contact mode, force modulation mode, soft tapping mode and high frequency tapping / non-contact mode and electric modes such as:
The rotated AFM tips allow for more symmetric representation of high sample features. The consistent AFM tip radii ensure good resolution and reproducibility.
The AFM holder chip fits most commercial AFM systems as it is industry standard size.
The main advantage of this product compared to regular, single-cantilever AFM probes is the freedom to choose in the very last moment the right AFM cantilever for each application. You dont need to stock various AFM Probe types any more. Nevertheless, this product is not meant as a substitution to comparable single-cantilever AFM probes, because the geometry of each one of the ElectriAll-In-One AFM cantilevers differs from the geometry of comparable specialized single-cantilever AFM probes.
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